National Credentials
Junior Credentials are submitted with the Junior Branch Junior Court Registration Packet
Every registered 4th Degree member is a delegate.
3rd Degree Councils / Courts must submit the credentials Online.
The credentialing process is used to certify your local division's delegates (the official attendees who actually cast votes representing your local division).
Instructions for completing online credentials form:
- Read the requirements below for your division
- At the required meeting, elect Delegates and Alternate Delegates.
- The Commander / Counselor; Grand Knight / Grand Lady / Financial Secretary must complete the online credentials forms
For Junior National Convention
The Junior Grand Knight / Junior Grand Lady shall serve as delegates along with 3 additional Elected Delegates / 3 Alternative Delegates.
- The 3 Elected Delegates and 3 Alternative Delegates are elected at the April meeting
- All delegates must be
- Financial members of the Jr. Branch / Jr. Court they will be representing
- Registered for the National Junior Convention
JUNIOR CREDENTIALS are to be submitted with the Junior Branch / Junior Court Registration Packet
For Senior National Convention
The Grand Knight / Grand Lady shall serve as a Delegate with the Deputy Grand Knight / Vice Grand Lady serving as an Alternate Delegate.
The Junior Commander / Junior Daughter Counselor shall also serve as a Delegate with the Asst. Commander / Asst. Junior Daughter Counselor serving as an Alternate Delegate.
Past National Officers are also additional delegates.
Elected Delegates / Alternate Delegates based on council / court membership numbers will be elected (see Delegate Representation below)
Delegate Representation:
- 2 Elected Delegate / Alternate Delegate if local division membership is below 100
- 3 Elected Delegates / Alternate Delegates if local division membership is 101 -200
Delegates Qualifications:
- Must be a financial member of the local division they will be representing
- Elected at their March meeting
- Registered for the National Convention
For 4th Degree National Conclave
Every registered attendee is a delegate.
To be a registered attendee / delegate you must also be financial.